To provide a thorough knowledge of the main pieces of equipment encountered in refineries and petrochemical plants. On completion of the course, the participants: know the technology and basic operation of the industrial equipment: pipe components, storage, thermal   equipment, instrumentation and control systems, rotating machinery; have in mind the most important criteria for selecting and design equipment according to the operating conditions; are able to analyze the origin of the most common failures and defects.


Piping materials : Piping components: pipes, fittings, flanges, valves, bolting, gaskets, miscellaneous (steam traps, filters, …), safety valves, rupture disc devices. Piping codes and standards.
Vessels and storage facilities: Columns, reactors, drums, storage tanks: atmospheric, insulated, or with pressure storage tanks. Design and construction: codes.
Materials used and their degradations : Mechanical properties, welding influence, metallurgical degradations and main forms of corrosion: prevention. Main materials used.
Thermal equipment : Heat exchangers and aircoolers: different types and technology – TEMA standard heat exchanger nomenclature – Selection criteria for different types of shells and front and rear head types. Furnaces: different types of furnaces and their functions – Efficiency of energy recovery – Construction of heat exhange areas – Distribution of heat supplied. Burners: introduction of fuel and air – air and flue gas circulation – analysis of draft combustion quality and control. Boilers: different types of boilers and their functions.
Instrumentation and process control : Role of instrumentation and control. Principle and make-up of a control loop. Symbols. Control valves, sensors, actuators, transmitters, controllers.
Centrifugal pumps, centrifugal and reciprocating compressors, steam and gas turbines
General aspects of machine technology and design : Main parts of the machines: casing, rotor, bearing, coupling, seals. Auxiliaries: flushing, heating or cooling, lubrication systems, seal oil, buffer gas, monitoring instrumentation. Typical failures or wear of components.
Performance : Operating parameters: head, flow rate, speed, efficiency, power, NPSH. Characteristic curves. Expansion and compression mechanisms. Operating range: pressure, flow rates, temperature, rotation, power, surge limit, …
Operation : Integrating a machine in the process: P&I schemes analysis, process lines, control loops.
Start-up and shut down operation. Flow rate control. Routine maintenance, lubrication, survey, … Troubleshooting: operation problems: non priming, cavitation, surge, lack of capacity, … ; mechanical troubles: leaks, bearings temperature, vibrations, noises, … ;Safety devices.


Peserta dapat diikuti oleh semua yang tertarik pada bidang ini. Selain itu juga dapat diikuti oleh semua yang ingin mengatahui dan mendalami tentang bidang ini.


Instruktur dalam Pelatihan dan Training ini akan dibawakan oleh seorang yang ahli dalam bidang ini.

Metode Training

  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi antar peserta
  • Studi kasus
  • Simulasi
  • Evaluasi
  • Konsultasi dengan instruktur

Jadwal tahun 2023 :

Batch 1 : 24 – 26 Januari 2023

Batch 2 : 14 – 16 Februari 2023

Batch 3 : 20 – 23 Maret 2023

Batch 4 : 4 – 6 April 2023

Batch 5 : 15 – 17 Mei 2023

Batch 6 : 26 – 28 Juni 2023

Batch 7 : 17 – 19 Juli 2023

Batch 8 : 14 – 16 Agustus 2023

Batch 9 : 25 – 27 September 2023

Batch 10 : 10 – 12 Oktober 2023

Batch 11 : 7 – 9 November 2023

Batch 12 : 5 – 7 Desember 2023

Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta

Lokasi Pelatihan :

  • Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Malioboro (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
  • Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Tendean (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bandung, Hotel Golden Flower (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)

Investasi Pelatihan tahun 2023 ini :

Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.

Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas Pelatihan di pusat training untuk Paket Group (Minimal 2 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama):

  • FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
  • FREE Transportasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
  • Module / Handout
  • FREE Flashdisk
  • Sertifikat
  • FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
  • Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
  • 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
  • FREE Souvenir Exclusive

Jadwal Pelatihan masih dapat berubah, mohon untuk tidak booking transportasi dan akomodasi sebelum mendapat konfirmasi dari Marketing kami. Segala kerugian yang disebabkan oleh miskomunikasi jadwal tidak mendapatkan kompensasi apapun dari kami.

Technorati Tags: training production optimization of oil & gas pasti jalan,training optimalisasi produksi migas pasti jalan,training pengenalan production of oil & gas pasti jalan,training gas well loading prediction pasti jalan,pelatihan production optimization of oil & gas pasti jalan,pelatihan optimalisasi produksi migas pasti running